ÅÂÐÀÇÈß http://evrazia.org/article/723
Another Israel
Children who are high educated will be never behave as those, who received standard American one   22 îêòÿáðÿ 2008, 17:01
Ascertaining of the multipolar world forces even the devoted associates of the United States to reconsider their positions

Information about Russian-Georgian conflict was received in Israel, for an obvious reason, mainly from western mass media. Nevertheless, many citizens of Israel together with Russian patriots wanted nothing but Russian tanks reaching Tbilisi. It was clear that Russian army was an army of liberation that would be greeted by Georgian people with rejoicing. By the way, it was the same rejoice that was felt when in 1982 Israeli army marched into Libya: not hand grenades, but peaches and apricots were thrown at us. Everything has changed afterwards, but it is quite a different question.

Russia gave Israel a hint, that it should not be anxious about Russia supplying Iran with weapons, for example.

People of Israel expected Russia to win a glorious victory, and many of them probably inwardly criticized Russian authorities for their decision not to go to the last degree. It happens in spite of the fact it is Georgia and Georgians that people of Israeli generally sympathize for. Israeli likes Georgian people, many of them previously lived in Georgia. However, it doesn’t prevent us from liking Ossetians too, because we lived with them and feel sympathy for them also. That is why Israel found itself in a strange situation.

One must say that Israeli governing body acted in an adequate way. Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared then that the case of Israeli military supplies to Georgia had been already settled. Russia thereby set a positive example for Israel, showing that specific trade with «unsympathetic» regimes is nevertheless possible. Russia gave Israel a hint, that it should not be anxious about Russia supplying Iran with weapons, for example.

Especially, if we know the geography well, we may see that Israel is located quite far from Iran, and Iran today is a highly urbanized country. Iranian nuclear weapons, even if they exist, don’t pose any military threat to Israel. And Iran is unlikely to have any intentions to launch a nuclear strike on Israel. As a matter of fact, it is an artificial conflict that should be settled by creating the alliance between Israel and Iran, especially taking into account the changes that Israel will face during the global changes. But Iran must change itself as well. However, some rhetoric of Iranian leader is intolerable for us.

It is indicative that the Israeli newspaper «Haaretz» and the British newspaper «Guardian» at the same time issued the same leading article about Russia being a superstate, both using the same term «multipolarity», they indicated that henceforward the World is multipolar. On the whole, in spite of the fact that Russian tanks did not enter Tbilisi, in spite of all drawbacks of Russian politics in this conflict, in spite of all criticism that Russia received, this country is a kind of power that causes the West to react inadequately to it.

Why Israeli like Russia? Because the West treats it in a same way it treats Israel. For example, if we look through western press, one may say that Israeli occupies half a world judging by the number of materials about Israel.

And abolition of visa system in truth is the strategic alternative of Israel.

One must not neglect, what has been already done. Striking changes had took place and they are especially important against a background of what is going on in the United States. That is true in America there are people, who potentially could understand Russia. But America now is not America, that we knew 20 years ago. This country now suffers from the deepest crisis, has the biggest rate of prisoners in a thousand in the world. There are much more prisoners in American prisons, than in any other country.

One can imagine the total degree of totalitarianism, that of course doesn’t show itself in reach suburbs of New York. But exactly it tears this country up. Many are of the opinion that this economic crisis has many in common with the same crisis of thirties. A question inevitably comes to mind, who is Obama for America in this depression? And what it will be, if he loses?

Today the world is much more confounded, than one can imagine. On the one hand Israel of course follows lead of America, on the other hand it tries to be maximal civil to Russia. And abolition of visa system in truth is the strategic alternative of Israel. Besides if to consider Israely society, one can discover that religious schools are occurring everywhere. And children who are high educated will be never behave as those, who received standard American one.

It is what we name conservative revolution that some time or other will reach the upper strata - right up to state governing bodies. One can see this tendency absolutely definitely.

Avigdor Eskin  
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URL ìàòåðèàëà: http://evrazia.org/article/723