ÅÂÐÀÇÈß | http://evrazia.org/article/610 | ||||
This sweet word «revenge»
Georgia and the West standing up for it will not reconcile to a victory of Russia and will try to break it For last days disturbing interest to events of the Russian-Georgian conflict began to weaken. It would seem, the convincing victory of the Russian armed forces waits only for the confirmation by the international diplomacy. However, many things indicate that the present phase of the conflict is not finishing. Not repented Georgian authorities actively prepare for a revenge with the strengthened support by their patrons USA and NATO. If the parties treat with this document so free, edit it under own discretion, all these agreements stand nothing. So the problem is solved by the unique factor - power.
First, the Russian General Staff has found a regrouping and repeated concentration of the Georgian army near to a zone of the conflict. Secondly, the military ships of NATO in Black sea arouse excessive suspicion though under the official version they have arrived with humanitarian mission. It is easy to surmise, that if Russia will disengage the armies from Georgia under enormous pressing by the West, new aggression against Russian, Ossetian and Abkhazian will begin. Last release of the author’s program of the doctor of political sciences, professor Alexander Dugin «Russkaja Vesch» («Russian thing») has been dedicated to this problem. At the beginning of his radio-session geopolitician has dispelled error, that the Russian-Georgian conflict is completed: «Anything yet has not ended». «On August, 8th we have risen in the face of the Third World War, its danger continues to be kept more strongly since times of the Caribbean crisis», - mister Dugin is assured. The professor claims, that the American strategists insist upon the prompt disengagement of the Russian armies from the Georgian territory that to take these positions. The Georgian army will be re-equipped and prepared for counterattack on southern boundaries of Russia. Having concentrated the forces along borders with South Ossetia, Georgia has already broken Medvedev-Sarkozy plan. Naturally, western representatives don’t take note of this fact. If the parties treat with this document so free, edit it under own discretion, all these agreements stand nothing. So the problem is solved by the unique factor - power. Therefore all persist in the disengagement of the Russian armies from Georgia, therefore to act so is impossible. So Dugin maintains. Having given a dare to planetary power of the USA, Russia went down in alive history, in a zone of geopolitic turbulence and henceforth nothing will be such, as before.
Natural result of this process – the new storm of Tskhinval. Supporting alone positions of the plan of Medvedev-Sarkozy, Russia gives an opportunity of the first decisive blow for the opponent. The «Russian thing» author declares, that «the program a minimum» (Lenin’s idiom) which consists in performance of the signed agreement, makes us defenceless before an opportunity of repeated aggression. As after August, 8th ambitions of America have suffered, its reciprocal attack will be more resolute and severe. «Our military operation was a shock for Americans. Our military victories is a trauma for the West. It will revenge Russia for every hour, for every second of the existence in such world», - the geopolitician is assured. For prevention of an artful revenge of Russia it is necessary to cease to consider international legal relations literally and to carry out that Dugin names «the program a maximum» (again Lenin’s idiom). It includes renewal of approach to the South, storm of Tbilisi, final destruction of the Georgian military machine and prevention of occupation of Caucasus by forces of NATO. Dugin emphasizes, that direct collision between Russian and American (NATO) armies is impossible. Such conflict is automatically translated into «nuclear equivalent». Having comparable nuclear potentials, powers do not presume to wage direct war. Professor reminds, that such situation ruled during all «cold war» - in Vietnam and Afghanistan. If one of world powers has been involved in the conflict directly, the second resisted to it in an underhand way. Certainly, been solved on a radical step, Russia automatically attracts on itself serious political consequences. But the military logic is relentless: having receded back Russia will enable to the opponent to capture again all Georgia, including disputable territories, and then challenge all Russian Caucasus. From its part Russia can occupy Georgia and neutralize danger of NATO intrusion to Caucasus. Only after that «we shall really have keys to architecture of a world policy», as Dugin says. Such turn of events inevitably assumes the further internationalization of the conflict. It is necessary to be especially intent in relation to Ukraine. Rates in this game are high, however, as Dugin supposes, having refused to accept considers these rates, we lose automatically. The professor once again emphasizes: the era of good-humoured development has ended, and the limit to it was put by natural and objective geopolitic contradictions. Having given a dare to planetary power of the USA, Russia went down in alive history, in a zone of geopolitic turbulence and henceforth nothing will be such, as before. Elias Dmitriev
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URL ìàòåðèàëà: http://evrazia.org/article/610 |