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Elementary conclusion
The ossets who have gone through the Georgian intrusion are evidence of fascism by Saakashvili Kosta Kochiev - the deputy director of the state TV-Radio company of republic of South Ossetia is the one who experienced Georgian intrusion to Tskhinvali. After city was cleaned by russian troops, we had a chance to contact Mr. Kochiyev and to interview. - From the beginning of the attack of Georgian army you were in Tskhinvali in your studio. Describe, how it was? - Before they intruded with tanks, for two days they did a powerful firing of city. Mortars, grenade dischargers, "Grad" - that what they used. All this time we were in the television station office, and from there were transmitting information to republic, federal and other tv-chanenls. Then was an explosion and electricity turned off. All communications were broken, so we lost ability to transfer information. After that we were just collecting info. and guarding the office. Then georgian army entered the city, they started aiming firing of buildings. Near the office there were four tanks and infantry. They stopped and gunmen started to shoot our building. Then they disappeared. In hour we saw a tank with a muzzle turned to our side. With one shot brought down our studio, where i worked. Then tank left, while after appeared again and soot the main entrance of studio several times. Fire has begun. We had to put out fire.... - Any victims? - No, thank God everybody is alive. We had a strong air-raid shelter. When it became "hot" outside, we were hiding there. - When was the last firing of Tshinvali by Georgian soldiers? - Last time it was today at 5:39. There was two bombs. But in common they have been pushed further. I think Tskhinvali is out of range of georgian artillery. - Now Russian army are cleansing territory near the georgian-ossetic board, but georgian officials tries to condemn Russia in occupation. How do you think how Russia must act now to finish conflict as it necessary for Russia and for South Ossetia? -Its elementary. During 18 years were claiming that Georgia is a small neo-nazi state. Georgia is evil by itself. Georgia must be judged. In Georgia fascism is rising. And it isn't started 18 years ago, isn't now. It lasts for about 200 years. With a support of Georgian church. Everybody who is not georgian allowed to have only one child. "Cleanse Georgia from trash people" - that's the slogan of every generation in Georgia. And till Georgia wont be judged, evil will be extending. This evil is more horrifying when hiding behind democratic slogans, and have support from countries which export genocide all over the world. The only thing Russia must to do with Georgia is what America has done with Yugoslavia. - What kind of help do Ossetic people need? - 2000 people lost for South Osetia is the same as SSSR has lost in WW2. Its a big tragedy for us.... - Demographical shock... - Yes.. And too many people just left S. Ossetia. So we need first of all an information help, technic and humanitarian help. We need a commission to collect and to number all data. It is need that people came back to their homes. - According to all information the president of RF Dmirtiy Medvedev thinks that Russian mission in S. Ossetia is accomplished. Do you think so? - No way. The point is that territory of South Ossetia is not completely freed. If Georgian army will step back for 15 km - we can agree with finishing of peace-making operation. - So what do you think about moving deeper to Georgia? Is it necessary? - If you ask about it even a little baby in Ossetia the answer will be: forcing of peace must be in a punishment way. To force a peace but to not judge fascism is wrong. There will be new problems in the future - even greater than now. - Now we know that Ukraine supports Georgia in acts of genocide. Is this information true? - If it so, i wont be surprised. According to the preliminary information, it is possible that Ukrainian mercenaries took part in struggles on Georgian side. Interview by Elias Dmitriev
Материал распечатан с информационно-аналитического портала "Евразия" http://evrazia.org
URL материала: http://evrazia.org/article/589 |