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Network war of the USA in Chechnya
Namely this has become the second starting point, taking into account the existing network code - inflation of the issue of occupying Chechnya by Russia   23 îêòÿáðÿ 2009, 15:30
The one who understands a network code operates processes and motivation of Chechens, constantly warms up the conflict, reminds that they struggle for their independence with invaders

In Chechnya Russia for the first time faced the problem of a network war, which has been waged since 1996 to the present day. Chechnya is a kind of illustrative example of a real network war. The entire Chechen situation shows a typical network approach: the Americans use to their advantage quite disparate, seemingly unrelated to each other centers of power.

Everything happening was perceived by society namely through this network code. Our defeat in the first stage of the network war in Chechnya was programmed.

Network wars do not abrogate geopolitical patterns. When conducting the Chechen network operation is continued realization of the geopolitical strategy of encircling Eurasia with what is defined in geopolitics as «Coils of anaconda». Chechnya is located at the center of intersection of Russia’s entry to the South and a stripe of the American sanitary cordon, stretching through the Caucasus from Europe to China. In order Russia would have access to the warm seas, there is the shortest way - through Iran. On this way lies the small Caucasian isthmus, blocking the way to South in Azerbaijan and Georgia. But the isthmus is very thin. The objective of the U.S. is to extend it by cutting off Russia from Iran, cutting off the vertical geopolitical axis Moscow-Tehran. And this strategy is realized exactly by means of the network operation in the Caucasus, Chechnya lying in the center of it.

To the implementation of the Chechen network campaign are simultaneously connected several centers of power. Firstly, the British always become engaged in this story; as long ago as in the late XIX - the beginning of the XX century, when Grozny was considered the second oil center after Baku, they have become engaged in the project of developing the Caucasian oil. Even at that time the British have invested a lot of money into the Caucasian oil, have spent a lot of efforts, resources, time and energy on the project. And now, after the Soviet nationalization and the following dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Americans once again remind England of its interests in the Caucasus. The British get involved into the network operations of the Americans for their own pragmatic reasons, to restore what was lost, to regain financial and economic influence, to obtain contracts, to buy up the oil-producing industry which has become ownerless again. As for the Americans, they need British money to be brought again to the Caucasus.

The second player of the Chechen operation is Saudi Arabia, through which the entire Arabic world and Wahhabi networks become connected. It is interested to spread the Wahhabi version of Islam as widely as possible, to export the Wahhabi movement outside the Arabic world. This is the interest of influence, a purely pragmatic one. The Americans just in the same unobtrusive way point them to Chechnya, where for many years Islam was suppressed, where during the Soviet period traditional Islam was totally eradicated and where someone else’s, Wahhabi, models can be quickly and easily imposed. Having expanded the sphere of influence in the Caucasus, it would also receive the opportunity of direct access to the Muslims of the Volga region. As for the Americans, they receive involvement of an inexhaustible human resource, the Wahhabi networks of the Islamist International and their funds. Moreover, Wahhabism - is a network model of operating with Islamic masses, understandable and convenient to the West: ready Wahhabi centers, which can be focused on, already exist throughout the world. This network is created at the instigation of the U.S., is controlled by it and understandable to the United States, though funded by Saudi Arabia, the main ally of America in the Arabic world. Moreover, Wahhabism is on the surface, it is a simple and accessible version of Islam, «without any fixes», easy to learn, while traditional Islam is rather complicated, based on a profound knowledge of its tradition and culture, which is rather problematic after decades of oblivion and state atheism.

Further the Americans need activation of a powerful informational and propagandistic machine for pressure and constant stirring up of the situation. For this purpose is used the third center of power - Eastern European nations that have severely dissociated themselves from their Soviet past, from Russia, and at present use any excuse to express their negative attitude to Russia, taking the pro-American position in all matters. In this case, Chechnya is becoming a good excuse for them to demonstrate the anti-Russian ardour and once again curry favour before the Americans. In the vanguard of propagandistic anti-Russia hysteria in Europe stand Poland, the Baltic countries and some other countries of the Eastern Europe, seeking by any means and under any pretext to pour out their hatred on Russia.

Finally, Turkey is interested in strengthening its influence over Azerbaijan, which borders directly on Chechnya.

None of the listed participants of the process need to be explained anything, everybody understands their local advantages and interests, but the end users of this global result would still be the Americans. At that the USA do not suggest anything directly – as if for example, you, Turks, arrange channels of armament and fighters supply across Azerbaijan, and you, Wahhabists, finance and recruit new participants in the resistance, as for you, Poles, shout to the whole world that the Russians have staged a genocide of their own people and are killing innocent Chechens, the elderly and children. Nothing of this is voiced and there are no any direct instructions from Washington, though, the overall course of operation is undoubtedly adjusted at various stages directly through the American networks. In general, however, all participants of the network war seem to act in their own interests, even though the global scenario of their actions is designed by the U.S.

This is the essence of a network operation - not a direct step-by-step control, but creation of such initial conditions, in our case around Chechnya, which force all the players, needed for its successful implementation, to become engaged in the situation.

In network wars there is such a notion as a «network code». This is a matrix through which the participants evaluate the developments. The network code anticipates the required reaction of the parties, and those who form it take account of numerous factors, through which they can estimate in advance the reaction of a parties to the process on various events.

The network code was already present on the territory of Chechnya, formed by historical processes. The separatist sentiments emerged in Chechnya long before the situation with the first military conflict, since the Soviet center was suppressing any manifestations of the traditional Chechen identity by virtue of the state atheism, was not giving a chance to the Chechens to fulfil themselves in the ethnic, cultural and traditional aspects. When the pressure of the center eased, the suppressed identity of the Chechens broke out, which is natural for the traditional people. This item of the existing network code was used as a starting point in the preparation of network operations. In addition, an overwhelming number of residents of Chechnya are ethnic Chechens, separated only by intra-ethnic clans. Namely this has become the second starting point, taking into account the existing network code - inflation of the issue of occupying Chechnya by Russia. The third point is taking into account the fact that the Chechens did not have an opportunity to build their social model, based on traditional set-up.

And what network code was present at the time from the Russian part? What have we countered to the network war against Russia, which began in Chechnya? Empty words that the constitutional order should be preserved. Everyone remembers the year of 1996 - what the attitude of the Russian citizens to Yeltsin’s constitution at that moment was. Yeltsin, together with his constitution, all the officials, liberals and their reforms, was hated by 99% of the population.

The next retaliatory motivation of the Russian side - preservation of the integrity of Russia. How this might be spoken of against the background of the terrible Declaration of Yeltsin «take as much sovereignty as you wish»? There was no sense in speaking of patriotism, since patriotism under Yeltsin was banned. If you are a patriot – you’re a swine and a marginal, sit in the cellar and do not move, or better die while defending the Supreme Council. What kind of patriotic motivation might be spoken about?

The only motivation of the Russian side, which remained, was vengeance for the perished friends. But that is a motivation of deferred action. Thus, the retaliatory motivations of the Russian side, available at that time, were deplorable, and its existing network code - depressive and defeatist. Everything happening was perceived by society namely through this network code. Our defeat in the first stage of the network war in Chechnya was programmed.

Firstly, was put into operation the hot phase of war under the slogan: «The USA begins and wins».

The Americans lower a lever and the process starts up: Wahhabism and Saudi Arabia become connected, financial resources are involved, channels from Turkey via Azerbaijan open, the Poles begin shouting, other countries of the Eastern Europe join their howling, because of the howl awakes the rest of Europe, OSCE missions bustle about, the British remember their economic interests, their lost money that was once invested into something, their «British homes» in the outskirts of Grozny, built in the late XIX century. The entire network mechanism, created by the Americans the day before, is launched. Meanwhile the Americans stay on the sidelines, instructing nobody on nothing directly. They have done their job, they have established such a context, formed conditions and chosen the participants of the network war, having placed them in such a way, that each has got involved in it already knowing his place, having understood his mission and objectives and has begun working in this direction. Each action of any of these players is wittingly to the advantage of the U.S. and is weakening Russia, since the main aim of America is Russia.

The network operation in Chechnya has begun before the hot phase, lasted over the two Chechen military campaigns, and continues today.

In some time America involves into the process the Western political and diplomatic support. Aslan Maskhadov is received in London with a guard of honor, platoons of artillery and the Royal Life Guards, greetings of the Muslim community in the British capital with torches, sounds of bagpipes and drum stroke. So dirty cheap is bought hatred to Russia. This entire process certainly requires funding.

The network war, again, does not provide direct funding from the customer. The Americans do not finance anything directly, since this will immediately disclose them. Any allocated money would be easily traced at once, therefore, in the operation are used indirect means of financing, money coming from other centers.

For example, a British financier James Goldsmith was earning money speculating in shares of oil companies. In particular, those companies which invested into the development of the Caspian oil. Margaret Thatcher, by the way, was at that time an advisor to the oil company «British Petroleum». And these interests of the British financier become connected to the situation in Chechnya. He is interested in the formation of market of shares of the companies participating in the Caspian developments. He learns which companies are developing the Caspian shelf in Baku, which of them get an eye on the developments in Chechnya, what companies are oriented on a certain route of transportation - through Chechnya to Novorossiysk, or bypassing Russia, on which route stake the companies taking into consideration the current situation in Chechnya, whether the shares have risen or fallen. He finances a bandit group, destabilizes the situation in Chechnya, consequently - the shares of those who stake on the route of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan rise, meanwhile, for those who are transporting through Novorossiysk – everything stalls, the quotes drop, so they can be bought up. Then a lull, an armistice, a Khassavyurt peace treaty, the shares are slowly rising, though the shares of those investing in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan route are falling. That is, depending on the situation, in Chechnya is conducted jobbing, which brings enormous revenues. At that, there is no direct American money.

What happens in the meantime with the Russian side? The Russian society is seriously «walloped», since a complete lack of control of the Federal center over the situation in principle is revealed. Comes to light the corruptness of officials, at full strength is working the liberal mass media, formed by the Western context, by the Western network code. The mass media whine about each big episode in Chechnya, overall hysterics rules, human rights activists are driven into ecstasies, the authorities are depressed and confused. This demoralizes the society, on TV they are constantly showing corpses, coffins, mothers crying, Yeltsin - drunk - is murmuring something. It is obvious that the power has no longer control over anything. Against this background are walking the oligarchs, generals sell arms to the Chechens, total corruption...

Why is this happening? Because in Chechnya is waged a network war of America against Russia, and all this is its direct aftermath. We face a typical network operation. Who understands the network code - manages the processes, controls the motivation of the Chechens, constantly fuels the conflict, reminds that they are fighting for independence from the occupiers. At that the federal authorities understand nothing.

The ultimate goal of this stage of the network war is decomposition and destruction of the Russian statehood as such. As a consequence - disintegration of Russia and final victory of the U.S. in the geopolitical war of continents, expressed as a sole world power of America. At this stage the hot phase stops, and the Russian side, having not stood the strain, capitulates. But capitulates not before the gangs of Chechen separatists – they are expendable material of the network war, their interests are not taken into account by the network strategists. Russia surrenders to America! This is the price for complete ignorance of the geopolitical logic of history and network strategies, which have not only been unknown in Russia – but never heard of.

The second phase - the network war of purports.

Russia is defeated, the war is stopped on conditions of the separatists, who have received full control over the territory where there are no longer representatives of federal authorities, and whatever one wishes can be easily done ignoring the Russian constitution and laws. The only condition of the Russian side is not to declare so far the withdrawal of Chechnya from Russia. At the current stage this is not even required.

But further are revealed contradictions within the Chechen society itself. Elimination of the external enemy leads to the crisis of motivations. At the moment when the Chechens begin to work out the first constitution of their de facto «independent» state, they discover that models of the traditional society of the Chechens, traditions of their ancestors, - totally contradict to the introduced Wahhabi models. An internal conflict starts.

By that time Russia puts in order all of its motivations: the ponderability of the Russian constitution, formerly hated by everybody, was raised at the cost of personal authority of Vladimir Putin, who has put it from the beginning above his own opportunity to remain at the post of the president as long as he is supported by the population. Under Putin, preservation of the integrity of Russia has become a national idea, to spite of Yeltsinism the regional Fronde of the Federation Council has been pacified, the governors dispersed, the territories tied through the institution of authorized representative offices. Patriotism has become one of the key issues of the formation of the new Putin’s model.

As the Chechen motivations have been shaken, those who formed the network code on their part had to act more subtly. In the development of network strategy for the next stage has been included work with ethnic groups in the Caucasus, with ethnic groups in Russia, work with the Chechen Diaspora in Moscow and so on. At that moment begins the work on preparation of the Chechen ideological institutions able to create and justify new motivation, as well as to correct the old. At this stage to the Chechen elite are tied influence agents of the British reconnaissance. If previously this was not required because everything went swimmingly, at the time when the Chechens began returning to their traditional national archetypes, was required a direct, more thorough involvement of the British experts, having taken the situation in Chechnya under manual control.

It was at this moment that in the surroundings of the Chechen leadership appeared an English businessman of Polish descent Mansour Yahimchik, who had in due time been one of the leaders of the Polish «Solidarity» in Krakow. He suddenly showed unexpected interest in the Sufi version of Islam in Chechnya, was naturalized as a citizen of «Ichkeria», became the Chechen presidential adviser on foreign economic issues. At his suggestion the Chechen leaders got in contact with the British financial elite, he was arranging meetings of the Chechen leaders with the English Lords, with Margaret Thatcher, with heads of major companies.

With the direct participation of this Pole-Englishman in April 1997 was established a Caucasian investment fund, in Washington was registered the Caucasus-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Lord McAlpine - Representative of the Financial Group at Goldsmiths’ - promised to invest 3 billion dollars in the Chechen oil industry, but given that he gets the right of general tenancy of the entire Chechen oil industry. In fact, already at that time the matter concerned purchase of the Chechen oil industry, which later was tried to be performed by Khodorkovsky.

The network operation in Chechnya has begun before the hot phase, lasted over the two Chechen military campaigns, and continues today. In the Chechen situation quite openly exist vulnerabilities that are used by the Western strategists against Russia to the present date. Precariousness of the current lull in Chechnya lies in the fact that peace has established there under domination of the secular part of the Chechen society and under the strictly secular model imposed forcedly by Russia. Once again, as before, traditional models in Chechnya are suppressed. Now, in the same way as in the Soviet period, they are suppressed completely, without any balance or account of the traditional factor. The secular model has won and is held by the pressure of the center, which means that in such a situation there is always groundwork for addressing the suppressed national Chechen archetypes from the enemy side, because of which the situation can always be re-heated, since our side never addresses them. The Chechen conflict has been frozen completely by accident, and there is nothing of disturbing the current stability under present conditions. If only once again to reduce the pressure - for example, change the power in Russia, put other figures in Chechnya, ease the financial flows, anything - and everything will recur from the beginning. The network war cannot be stopped. But its direction can be reversed.

Valery Korovin  
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